Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Andy Rooney Will Never Be My Financial Advisor

We all know Andy Rooney, right? He's the elderly gentleman that closes episodes of 60 Minutes with his editorial ramblings. Often amusing and overly cantankerous, Rooney basically has the seniority to got on TV and say whatever he wants for a few minutes. This past week Rooney decided to spend his time helping us all save a few extra bucks during these financially troubled times:

Now I'm not gonna waste time complaining about Rooney's complaining. That's like shooting cranky, old fish in a barrel. But the man finds it financially necessary to steal bread and wear dirty. 3-day old clothes while still going to every NY Giants home game!! Is he really that strapped for cash?

I know we all have the one or two luxury items we cling to, and I'm not blaming him for that. I'm sure not cancelling my cable any time soon. But the man is stealing bread! If I was his financial advisor I would advise he watch the games on TV and save the $700 he spends on tickets to buy a coffee maker and a couple loaves of bread. Until then, Andy, I'm going to seek financial tips from someone else. What's the luxury item you would rather steal bread for than give up?

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